Bushwick’s Moe Shmoneyy hits heavy in “This Is New York Freestyle.” DJ cuts and scratches and recited “M.O.P. from the NYC” sets the tone and entrance for Shmoneyy. Menacing bars intimidate as he makes it known he’s Bushwick all day. He’s back on the strip with a strap, a knife, and a grip. Shmoneyy embodies street-certified, NY Hip Hop. Stream the freestyle and connect below.
Stream on YouTube: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_ksji98L3KbSOWLZ2BWxHkh6jlSWZhIN2o
Connect with Moe Shmoneyy https://instagram.com/moe_.shmoneyy?igshid=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==
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