LORD MOBB ARTIST, STARZ COLEMAN was born Brick City, Newark, New Jersey. Raised in Plainfield, New Jersey. Son of Jazz Singer Jonnie Coleman, his childhood consisted of accompanying his mother as she struggled performing regularly at various venues all over the east coast. This exposure to real music gave STARZ COLEMAN the motivation and inspiration to become the extremely versatile artist he is today.

For years he would sit in the studios for hours as she mastered her craft of song. These studio rituals became a regular part of life. In his teens STARZ COLEMAN was lured into the temptations of the New Jersey Street life.

He ended up in group homes most of his life until he ran away at 14. The fast cars, easy money, being stabbed, and shot would soon lead to STARZ COLEMAN becoming homeless and distraught. The streets had taken everything they had given.

Only after his mother passed away tragically at a young age, STARZ COLEMAN decided to pursue Filmography and music full time with her same passion and intensity. STARZ COLEMAN brings the listeners through his epic life story. Using high energy and pain, with melodic beats mixed with everyday experiences. 

His brute baritone voice creates a revolutionary sound that is comparable to none. Self-Taught videographer and comedian, demonstrating that STARZ COLEMAN is not only a great artist, but a great businessman as well! For all those who haven’t yet had the experience, GET READY FOR STARZ COLEMAN! 

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