Unpacking the Journey and Vision of a Rising Hip Hop Artist AlcaBarz

1. Can you tell us about your journey into music and what inspired you to start rapping?

My journey into music began on the back of the school bus and at lunch tables, where I rapped to impress my peers. My stepfather played a significant role; he taught me how to freestyle and introduced me to influential artists like Snoop Dogg and Busta Rhymes. Their impact sparked my interest, and I dove into studying their craft. Now, I’m thrilled to have my music featured on Pandora Radio, iHeartRadio, and with two albums available on Apple Music.

2. How would you describe your musical style and what sets you apart from other rappers?

I would describe my musical style as pure Hip Hop. What sets me apart is my versatility—I can create music that resonates with various audiences and adapt to different vibes and moods.

3. What themes or messages do you explore in your latest album, and what inspired those themes?

In my latest album, Jodie, the themes revolve around motivation, self-worth, and positive energy. I wanted to convey messages about staying motivated, believing in yourself, and maintaining a cool, laid-back vibe. These themes are inspired by my personal life experiences and the ups and downs I’ve encountered.

4. Can you share a memorable moment or experience from the recording process of your recent project?

A standout moment during the recording of Jodie was when my engineer told me that this album was going to be a significant one. His confidence in the project was a huge boost, and it reaffirmed the hard work we had put into it.

5. How do you approach writing your lyrics? Do you have a specific process or routine?

My approach to writing lyrics starts with listening to the instrumental. I let the feel of the beat guide me and inspire the message I want to convey. From there, I start jotting down ideas and shaping them into lyrics.

6. What role does collaboration play in your music, and are there any artists you’re hoping to work with in the future?

Collaboration is a crucial part of my music-making process. I enjoy blending different techniques and perspectives to create something unique. In the future, I look forward to collaborating with artists like Fabulous, Eminem, Busta Rhymes, Fat Joe, and 50 Cent.

7. How do you handle criticism and feedback on your music?

I handle criticism with an open mind. I understand that not all music resonates with everyone, and I appreciate those who support my work. Constructive feedback helps me grow, and I’m grateful for every listener who takes the time to engage with my music.

8. What do you think is the biggest challenge facing the music industry today, and how are you navigating it?

One of the biggest challenges in the industry is building a larger fan base for increased exposure and promotion. I’m addressing this by seeking out promotional opportunities and steadily working to expand my audience through various channels.

9. Outside of music, what are some of your other passions or hobbies?

Outside of music, I enjoy watching movies, playing fighting games, and spending quality time with loved ones. These activities help me unwind and balance my life outside of my music career.

10. What message do you hope your fans take away from your music?

I hope my fans take away that good music still exists. As long as they’re a fan of that, there will always be something for them to enjoy in my music.

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